Welcome to C4 Model Services

Building Independence - One day at a time.

Our Services Our Team

At C4 Model Services, our goal is to help our clients truly define the word independence and apply it to more fulfilling and fruitful living. Todd Stabelfeldt utilizes his experiences as a C4 quadriplegic to provide insight on how to provide the most efficient solutions to maximize the independent living skills of his disabled clients.

Whether a recipient of government funds or a settlement, we possess the skill and expertise to help our clients become “CEOs” of their own lives through providing what is needed for active management of their disabilities and proper maintenance of the daily challenges, struggles, and expectations of quality living. Our aims are achieved when our clients take full control of their lives and begin to understand that leading a quality life requires dedication, commitment, and a business-minded attitude.

With treating our lives like a business, where we are our own CEO, we can focus on generating “profit” as a qualitative assessment of our independence and our decisions, and our commitment is to instill this in our clients.

In our vision, to exist is simply not enough; the goal of the clients who come to us revolves around maximizing the quality of life and fully embracing and defining the concept of independence. This is a simple idea that requires a lifetime of work to achieve and maintain. However, we are here to provide tailored solutions that meet the individual client wherever he or she is at so that we can help lay the foundation of quality, independent, and fruitful living.

Our Mission & Vision

Our Mission:

Find independence in a life of dependence. It is a simple idea with a lifetime of work to achieve and maintain. Provide tailored solutions to the individual based on their definition of independence NOT ours.

Our Vision:

Using the experiences and ideas of Todd Stabelfeldt, CEO, to provide maximized quality of life for all individuals desiring something more than just existing.